Sunday Adult Education Offerings | 06.30.24

Sunday Adult Education Offerings | 06.30.24

Adult Education Archives

The General Assembly consists of commissioners elected by Presbyteries. Half of the commissioners will be ruling elders, half will be teaching elders. The General Assembly has several specific responsibilities outlined in Chapter 3 of the Book of Order. The assembly seeks to protect our church from errors in faith and practice, is responsible for assuring that the expression of our theology remains true to the biblical standards in our historic confessions. The General Assembly presents a witness for truth and justice in our community and in the world community. it sets priorities for the church and establishes relationships with other churches or ecumenical bodies.

Murdoch MacLeods • Library
We will discuss this week’s gospel lesson.
For more info, please contact Paul DeWitt,

How can we establish or maintain the priorities of putting God first during the stressors of exams, end of school year, and summer.
For more info, please contact Fran Linley,

Young Families • Overlook Room
For more info, please contact Krissie Self,