Sunday Adult Education Offerings | 10.13.24

Sunday Adult Education Offerings | 10.13.24

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Adult Education Archives

Adult Education Fall 2024 Brochure

Covenant Class • Fellowship Hall
Special Guest: Eleanor Bryant, a member of Westminster and a student at University of Tennessee Chattanooga 

Is Tennessee’s Death Penalty System Broken Beyond Repair? 

Eleanor Bryant, a member of Westminster and a student at University of Tennessee Chattanooga, served as the 2024 summer intern for Tennesseans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (TADP). Eleanor will share about her experience with TADP and will be joined by TADP’s Executive Director Reverend Stacy Rector, a teaching elder in the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee, who will provide both a theological and policy framework for a conversation about Tennessee’s death penalty system. Sharing the facts about the failures of the current system, they will provide an analysis of the death penalty and information about other ways to address violent crime while providing surviving families of murder victims the support that they need so that their healing isn’t reliant on what happens to the people who have caused them harm. 

Contact: Guy D. Griffith,

Room 10
Led by Will Wellman

Westminster is launching a new series of Sunday School classes to help us get back to the basics! This fall, we’ll start with an introduction to the Bible. We’ll explore what exactly the Bible is including its structure and history as well as spend time learning about and interpreting various texts together. Attendees will become familiar with the Bible and its contents and develop the skills and understanding so they can comfortably read and interpret Scripture. This class is great for anyone who is new to the faith all the way to seasoned Bible readers who would like a refresher—all are welcome! If you have any questions, please contact Will, 

If you have any questions, please contact Will Wellman.

We will be exploring A.-J. Levine’s new book The Gosplel of John.

Contact: Donna Schwaber,

Class for in-depth Bible study and fellowship.

Contact: Paul DeWitt,

Held twice a year, this class series is for those interested in learning more about Westminster.

Contact: Kathleen Simcoe,

Ken Larish, 

“The Will of God”  
How do we reconcile belief in a loving and powerful God with the suffering in our present world? Over the next two weeks, Tom Wylly will lead us in a discussion of God’s will in our lives with insights from “The Will of God “ by Leslie Weatherhead and “Why? Making Sense of God’s Will” by Adam Hamilton. 

This week we will discuss God’s Circumstantial Will focusing on suffering caused by evil and suffering caused by sickness. Please join in the fellowship and discussion.

Contact: Krissie Self,, Leigh Adams,, and Kelly Smith,