Sunday morning classes at Westminster are designed to be communities where members and visitors are invited to join the journey growing deeper in faith and fellowship. Some classes are geared more for “age and stage” of life, while others are intentionally intergenerational. During the year, special classes and speakers are arranged for the whole church to experience learning together.

Covenant Sunday School Class
Covenant class “nests” many of our outside speakers and special series. The class is intended to be a community of mutual support, intentional growth, and fellowship. This class typically meets in Fellowship Hall.
Contact: Guy D. Griffith

Coffee & Conversation
A class for parents who have outgrown Young Families and are looking for a group that discusses parenting needs of tweens, teens and college students, as well as their own faith needs.
Contact: Fran Linley

Faith and Fellowship Sunday School class
Fellowship, support, Bible study, and educational opportunities for people who are “empty nesters” to “early retirees.”
Contact: Donna Schwaber

Murdoch MacLeod Sunday School Class
Class for in-depth Bible study and fellowship.
Contact: Paul DeWitt

Young Families Sunday School Class
for young families of all kinds, from newly married couples to parents of young children (up to middle school). Offerings include Bible-focused study, outside speakers, conversations led by church leaders, discussion topics pertinent to nurturing your children, and the rare opportunity for fellowship with other grown-ups. Good coffee and donut holes included!
Krissie Self
Leigh Adams
Kelly Smith

New Member Sunday School Class
Offered twice a year, this seven-week class allows those interested in learning more about Westminster or those seeking to unite in membership, to explore topics such as Reformed Theology, worship, mission, and service with members of the church staff and lay leaders. This class meets in Goodpasture Hall.
Contact: Rev. Heidi Hudnut-Beumler