Westminster Session

Westminster Session

Class of 2025

Kathy Billings
Rhea Bucy
Emily Coleman
Bob Cooper
Greg Cornish
Nan Holland
Ken Larish
Virginia Reynolds
Jackie Shrago
Kathleen Simcoe
David Wyckoff

Class of 2026

Mary Prue Alley
Matt Ashwood
Jim Barr
Devin Childers
Melinda Coles
Joanna Hall
Howard Lamar
Suzie Lane
Meredith Nowers
Nathan Ridley
Roberta Rodgers
Don Shulze

Class of 2027

Elizabeth Ball Mollie Brookshire Jamie Capps
Bill Christie
Mark Hardison
Hugh Harvey
Bob Hines
Susan Isaacs
Keith Maddin
Scott Portis
Krissie Self
David Wyatt


Donovan Drake
Guy D. Griffith
Heidi Hudnut-Beumler
Ashley Higgins
Stephanie Boaz
Will Wellman

Virginia Reynolds, Clerk of Session

Committee Chairs Not Otherwise Listed in this booklet:

Associate Pastor Nominating Committee

Benevolence | Ken Garrison

Church Nominating Committee | Jackie Shrago

Finance | Mike Koban

Generosity | Bob Hines

Legacy Fund | Hartley Hall

Personnel | Bill Christie

Property | Greg Cornish

Westminster Home Connection | Tom Wylly

Westminster School for Young Children |