Sunday Adult Education Offerings | 04.21.24

Sunday Adult Education Offerings | 04.21.24

Adult Education Archives

Covenant Class • Fellowship Hall9:45 a.m.

The Global Work of Christ: Surprising New Mission Opportunities 

In his wildest dreams, Mark would have never have imagined The Outreach Foundation would be invited to work in central Asia, the Arab Peninsula and China. God has recently opened a door, and we would invite you to join us in this new work. 

During Sunday school hour, Mark will update you on areas where you have expressed an interest in the past. In addition, he will provide updates on Ukraine, Cuba, Turkey and Mexico as he has recently returned from these countries. 

Faith & Fellowship • Rm 214
Join us for an exploration of the Seven Letters of Paul. We will discuss the letters individually and collectively discovering their purpose of the time, the collective themes of the letters, and what the letters/scripture say to us today.
For more info, please contact Donna Schwaber at

Murdoch MacLeods • Library
We will discuss this week’s gospel lesson.
For more info, please contact Paul DeWitt,

Coffee & Conversation: Sunday School for Parents of Youth and Young Adults
Final Sunday School for youth and us. This is our final meeting in the Parlor for this school year.
How can we establish or maintain the priorities of putting God first during the stressors of exams, end of school year, and summer.
For more info, please contact Fran Linley,

Young Families • Overlook Room
The Resurrection means everything: Reflections from Lent through Easter after a tragedy. Led by Chad Folk.

For more info, please contact Krissie Self,