

The sign outside our doors says, “Westminster gathers here.” What that means is that our ministry does not just happen at 3900 West End, but we go out into the world sharing the good news and return praising God for what we have seen and heard. Our tithes and offering reflect this understanding. Our needs are both inward and outward. What we receive in terms of monitary gifts might repair a Sanctuary roof, pay a salary or put some new paint on a door. A great deal of it, however, moves forward. Some of it can be measured in Habitat houses, wheelchair ramps or electric bills being paid. A great deal of what we receive is spent on things that cannot be measured. It manifests itself as kindness, hope and grace. Westminster has an amazing ministry. We hope you will be a part of it.

Realizing that all we have incomes from God, pledging is one sign that we put God first in our lives. In the fall of the year, Westminster has a pledge campaign so that we can plan for the next year. Just as we grow in grace, we hope that individuals will take steps to grow in their giving to our congregation.

2025 Generosity Pledge & Payment

At Westminster Presbyterian Church, we believe that God calls us to be generous and joyful givers of our time, talent and resources.  Use the below form to make your annual Generosity Pledge.  Generosity Pledge 2025 2025 Payment Link (Only) Please use the button below to make a payment on your 2025 Pledge: Auto Draft Payment Form Download Hereplease return to office or email Joann Covington 2025 Generosity Brochure Generosity Spotlight

2024 Generosity Payment

At Westminster Presbyterian Church, we believe that God calls us to be generous and joyful givers of our time, talent and resources.  Use the below form to make your annual Generosity Pledge.  2024 Payment Link (Only) Please use the button below to make a payment on your 2024 Pledge: Auto Draft Payment Form Download Hereplease return to office or email Joann Covington 2024 Generosity Brochure Generosity Spotlight

Legacy Fund

“…Other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. Let anyone with ears listen!” Matthew 13:8 Respond to God’s bountiful grace with a lasting legacy of gratitude to God and God’s Church. What is the Legacy Fund? The Legacy Fund is a permanent endowment established in 2012 to provide the long-term financial security of Westminster for generations to come. The Legacy Fund accepts current and planned gifts from donors. The Legacy Fund…

Memorial Gifts

Following the death of a loved one, Westminster often receives memorial gifts. The family of the deceased may designate where the gift is to go. If not, the money received goes into our memorial fund where it may be used to further the ministry of the church as needs arise. Contact Joann Covington, Accounting, to make a Memorial Gift, or make a donation online by clicking the button below. Please use the button below to donate a memorial gift: