Remembering Our Past Videos

Remembering Our Past Videos

Remembering Our Past | Martha Vess DeWitt | Video

Martha Bess DeWitt, who served as Westminster’s director of Christian Education for nearly 25 years, shares her remembrances of our church during her tenure. In her retirement, Martha Bess divides her time between Virginia and New Hampshire. She provided her comments via Zoom. 

Remembering Our Past | Tom & Jane McDow on Westminster School

Westminster has always strived to meet the needs of its congregation and community. In this video, Tom and Jane McDow share the story of how the Westminster School (now Currey Ingram Academy) was started when parents of a child whose learning differences weren’t being met asked the Session to provide space for a school to help children like theirs be educated.

Remembering Our Past | Chad Folk on Room In The Inn

Father Charles Strobel, who founded Room in the Inn, passed away last week. Westminster was one of the four initial congregations that signed up to host homeless guests during the cold months, starting in 1987. Now there are nearly 200 congregations of all denominations who participate in Room in the Inn in Nashville. Below, Chad Folk talks about how Westminster got involved with Father Strobel at the beginning of Room in the Inn and our continuing support for this ministry…

Remembering Our Past | Rudy Kalis on Prison Ministries

Westminster member, Rudy Kalis, says that he spent 45 years in broadcasting to prepare him for his work in prison ministry, and in doing so, he has found his life’s purpose. Watch Rudy’s testimony about his experiences working with prisoners, some of them on death row.

Remembering Our Past | Rev. Dr. Carson Salyer and Rev. Janet Salyer on their experiences at Westminster

Carson Salyer served Westminster as Associate Pastor for Congregational Care for more than 20 years and he and Janet continue to be highly involved in the life of our church. In this video, Carson describes his call to Westminster, his work with Reverend K. C. Ptomey and other staff, and his involvement in community missions such as Habitat, Living Waters and Westminster Home Connection.  Finally, Rev. Janet Salyer ends the video with a thank you note to our congregation.

Remembering Our Past | Jim Hartman

For someone who says he didn’t want to get involved at Westminster, Elder Jim Hartman has played a significant role in the life of our church.

Remembering Our Past | Elders Beth Felch, Doug Leins, and Dennis Williams on the Living Waters Ministry

Living Waters for the World is a global mission of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) who seeks to “provide clean, safe water to those in the world who desperately need it and to support the volunteers and communities with whom we have relationships.” Beth Felch, along with Doug Leins and Dennis Williams, describe in this video Westminster’s work with this organization to provide clean, safe water to communities in Peru as well as to individuals in need in Middle Tennessee.

Remembering Our Past | Elders Ken & Catherine Garrison

When people ask elders Ken and Catherine Garrison how long they have attended Westminster, they never quite know how to answer that question. While they have been members of our church for seven years, they have had strong ties to Westminster since Catherine was a child.

Remembering Our Past | Sophie Maness on Westminster’s Children’s Ministry

Westminster has been blessed with a strong children’s ministry, and in the first video, Executive Director of Family Ministries Sophie Maness talks about involving parents in their children’s faith journeys and the unique challenges of providing support during the COVID-19 pandemic and Covenant School shooting.

Remembering Our Past | Westminster School for Young Children (WSYC)

Sophie and The Westminster School for Young Children (WSYC) Director Logan Lyman talk about how WSYC was established by member Mrs. Wilfred Fisher as Westminster Kindergarten in 1946. As the needs of the community changed over time, Westminster Kindergarten and the Toddlers and Twos program merged to become the Westminster School for Young Children (WSYC) in 2010. WSYC serves nearly 300 children today, employs over 40 teachers and administrators, and is still an outreach mission of our church.

Remembering Our Past | Westminster Children Interview Their Elders

Westminster children Gray Springer and Charlotte Munson interviewed their elders to learn about the history of Westminster from the perspectives of Roberta Rogers and Carol Ann Graham.  Roberta, who is also Gray’s grandmother, has been involved in Westminster’s music program for many years, helping with the children’s choir.  Carol Ann Graham had a long affiliation as a teacher in the Westminster School for Young Children (formerly Westminster Kindergarten).

Remembering Our Past | Benevolence: A Tradition of Giving at Westminster

The history of Westminster Benevolence Dr. James Hudnut-Beumler, the Anne Potter Wilson Distinguished Professor of American Religious History at Vanderbilt University and former dean of the Divinity School, shares the history of Presbyterian giving. How Westminster Supports The Community Elder Denise Linn discusses how Westminster’s Benevolence Committee determines our support for community organizations with previous Benevolence Committee chairs and elders Dr. David Thombs, Walker Choppin and Scott Portis.

Remembering Our Past | Rev. Heidi Hudnut-Beumler & Sylvia Leins

Associate Pastor for Congregational Care Heidi Hudnut-Beumler and chair of Westminster’s Congregational Care committee elder Sylvia Leins discuss how the congregation stepped up to support each other during the COVID-19 pandemic, holding us together in new ways when we couldn’t be together in person. Congregational Care continues to be a recognized strength of our ministry today, and looks for new ways to meet the needs of our community.