Milestones In Children’s Ministry

Milestones In Children’s Ministry

Just as stones were used in ancient times by the side of a road showing the distance in miles to a given place, we are using milestones to mark a child’s learning and growing in the Christian faith. We want to give both children and parents concrete tools as they grow and learn together in their faith journey. All of these workshops will be done with children and parents.

Kindergarten Worship Workshop

Our focus in the spring will be to help our kindergarten children be ready to be welcomed to sanctuary worship. Children will be presented in worship at the 11:00 service.

First Grade Instructed Communion

Our focus will be to learn about the sacraments of baptism and communion together. We will celebrate our first graders for learning more about the sacraments.

Second Grade Prayer Workshop 

Our focus will be to explore all the different ways we can pray as individuals, as families and as a community. The children will lead a prayer during the 11:00 service.

Third Grade Bibles and Journey through the Bible 

Each September, Westminster presents children who have just begun the third grade with a New Revised Standard Version Bible during the 8:30 am worship service. JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE is the workshop for third graders and their families to learn about their new Bibles.

Fourth Grade Mission Workshop 

Our focus will be on our call to partner with others in our own community and around the world. Parents and 4thgraders will talk and do service together.

Fifth Grade Sexuality Workshop

We will learn the basics of puberty together and connect their bodies with their faith. Children have classes together and parents have classes separately to think through talking with their children and communicating their values as their children grow.

Sixth Grade Talking About Tough Issues Together

Join us for lunch on Sunday as Parents and tweeners think through how to have conversations together about tough issues. We will have fun and there will be some good food as well.

Children’s Sabbath One Sunday in November each year, we celebrate the gifts of our children and give them voice as they express their faith. At Westminster the worship service is led by elementary-aged children and the children’s choirs.