Parents are invited to bring their babies and toddlers (newborn through 3 ½ years of age) to Musikgarten music class. Join your child in singing, chanting, moving, dancing, listening, and playing simple instruments, while developing a strong musical bond with your child.  Through activities that bridge the natural connection between music and movement, your child’s musical aptitude and listening abilities will grow. In turn, you will learn how to play musically with your child and turn music into a regular part of your home life.
Kelly Posey has been teaching music to preschoolers for over 23 years and is currently one of the music teachers at Westminster School for Young Children.  She has been a certified MusikGarten teacher since 2007 and it is one of her biggest joys to be able to introduce the world of music to our youngest of God’s children.
Ages: 4 years old and under
Cost: $75 for the 12 week session
Location: Room 292 at church
Time: 4:15 – 4:45 pm
February – 5, 12, 19, 26
March – 5, 19, 26. (No class on the 12th due to spring break)
April – 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
For more information about MusikGarten, please visit their website!