Cockrill Elementary – Pencil Partner
Become a Reading Partner with the children at Cockrill Elementary. It is a 30-minute, once per week commitment for one semester. Training is provided. More information on Reading Partners will be coming soon.
For more info, contact Jennifer Anderson, andersonjl2001@yahoo.com.

Hillwood High School – United4Hope
Want to help more high school youth feel they can make it in college? Think you don’t have time or subject knowledge? Afraid of multi-week commitment? AVID is the answer. And Hillwood High students need you. This is a very different style and expectation than usual tutoring. You can learn more in today’s Minute for Mission. A flyer is available in the Parlor.
For more info, please contact Ann Schulze, anngschulze@outlook.com or Janet Kuhn, janetkuhn@comcast.net.

Earth Care Task Force
We meet at 5:30 pm the second Wednesday of every month. Currently, our meetings are virtual. Come for the environmental education and fellowship, stay for the projects we plan to do.
For more information, please contact: Curtis Baysinger, 803.603.8221; Cbaysinger2@gmail.com