We are very fortunate to be able to welcome Laura Fabrycky to teach for the Covenant Sunday school class on September 12th. She is the author of the new book, Keys to Bonhoeffer’s Haus. While her husband was stationed at the American Embassy in Berlin, Laura became a guide of the Bonhoeffer-Haus in Berlin and takes readers on a tour of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s home, city, and world. She shares the keys she has discovered there–the many sources of Bonhoeffer’s identity, his practices of Scripture meditation and prayer, his willingness to cross boundaries and befriend people all around the world–that have unlocked her understanding of her own life and responsibilities in light of Bonhoeffer’s wisdom.
Keys to Bonhoeffer’s Haus tells his story in new ways and invites us to think beyond him into our own lives and civic responsibilities. Fabrycky shows readers how to consider what befriending Bonhoeffer might mean for us and the ways we live our lives today. Ultimately, through her transformative tour of Bonhoeffer’s Berlin, she inspires readers to discover and embrace responsible forms of civic agency and loving, sacrificial action on behalf of our neighbors.
When I led the Study Tour to Germany in late 2017 (in celebration of the 500th anniversary of Luther’s beginning of the Reformation), the morning of our first full day in Berlin we toured the Bonhoeffer-Haus, which was the spiritual highpoint for many of us. While she was not our guide I was delighted to learn that our time there overlapped with hers. Indeed, in our subsequent conversations, I have been amazed at the numerous points of contact and am excited for you to meet her. In preparation for the class, I encourage you to read the book.
If you would like a copy, I will have copies for $12.00 (contact Kris Pardue kpardue@nashvillewpc.org) or you can obtain one on your own.
The class will meet in Fellowship Hall (hybrid equipped), Sunday, September 12, 9:45 am –
10:45 am. We hope you will join us.
– Guy Griffith