Covenant Class | Deep Calls To Deep

Covenant Class | Deep Calls To Deep

Professor William “Bill” Brown to teach on Deep Calls to Deep: The Psalms in Dialogue amid Disruption

We welcome Dr. William P. Brown, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA to teach on February 6, 13, and 27. Bill is an ordained PC(USA) pastor and a Princeton Theological Seminary classmate of Guy. He will teach on his new book on the Psalms. The Psalms can help us during a time of disruption and division. Deep Calls to Deep demonstrates a new and generative way of reading the Bible, which looks for differences among texts to engage in dialogue over critical issues that are not only biblical but also are relevant to our contemporary crises. Bill Brown explores uncharted territory in the Bible with a particular focus on the Psalms, the most diverse book of the Bible. By taking his cue from Martin Luther, Brown explores how the “little bible” (the Psalter) engages the larger Hebrew Bible in dialogue, specifically how the Psalms counter, complement, reconstrue, and transform biblical traditions and themes across the Hebrew canon, from creation and law to justice and wisdom.

PART I | FebRuary 6th, 2022

Part II | February 13th, 2022

Part III | February 27th, 2022