Covenant class “nests” many of our outside speakers and special series. The class is intended to be a community of mutual support, intentional growth, and fellowship.
Covenant Class | Keeping Sacred Time
Keeping Sacred Time: An Exploration of Life’s Rhythms What rhythms are driving your life? This Covenant Class series is an invitation to look closely at this question and explore the sacred rhythms woven into the world today. The Lenten season offers a unique opportunity to examine one’s practices, habits, and daily routines, and to shift focus toward deeper alignment with God. Together, we’ll examine how these rhythms— both individual and collective—can guide us toward deeper connection with God and towards lives of deeper compassion for…
Covenant Class | Habitat For Humanity | March 3, 2025
At Westminster we live out our Christian beliefs by helping people in the US. And sometimes finding a global mission. Westminster has for 30+ years helped to build a house in Nashville. But what is the need on an international basis? Sometimes a family is helped with a slab to safely change a diaper. Sometimes it is a home for the current generation, but added onto for a future generation. Our guests from Habitat International look forward to sharing the…
Covenant Class | The Outreach foundation | February 16, 2025
The Outreach Foundation is a Non-Profit and Public Benefit Organization aimed at making a difference in the communities in which we work by promoting education, developing talents, and offering social support and a safe haven to those who need it. TOF works to engage followers of Christ for His work in the world. They partner with many international mission organizations to engage Christians in 28 countries worldwide. Febraury 16, 2025
Covenant Class | Dr. Tiffany HInes | February 9, 2025
“Spiritual Engagement with Life and Death, Belonging to God” This class features presentations followed by a discussion on three topics: • Faithfully engaging end-of-life discussions and decisions from a medical and faith perspective – Dr. Tiffany Hines, Vanderbilt internist/pediatrician and palliative care physician • Faithfully reflecting on our lives and telling our stories – Mary Lou Redding, author of God Was with Me All Along: A Guide for Capturing Your Memories and Telling Your Story • Faithfully grieving, celebrating life, and witnessing to…
Covenant Class | Dr. Bruce Rogers-Vaughn | February 2, 2025
“In Life and in Death We Belong to God” The culture that shapes our lives today displays a “toxic positivity” that suppresses awareness of mortality. What if, instead, we embraced early Christians’ experience of Jesus as the embodiment of the “Suffering Servant” of Second Isaiah – “a man of sorrow, acquainted with grief”? Led by Dr. Bruce Rogers-Vaughn, an ordained Baptist minister and Clinical Pastoral Therapist. Dr. Rogers-Vaughn is a former chaplain at Alive Hospice and taught for years at…
Covenant Class | Rev. Gordon S. Mikoski, PHD | January 26, 2025
The Influence of Reformed Theology on Rembrandt and Van Gogh. Led by Rev. Gordon S. Mikoski, PhD; Associate Professor of Christian Ed., Princeton Theological Seminary January 26, 2025
Covenant Class | Dr Spencer Klavan | January 5 & 19, 2025
Hebrew Words We All Need to Know: Deepening Your Relationship with the Old Testament. Led by Dr. Spencer Klavan Did you know that the Hebrew word for “mercy” is also the word for “womb”? How about that the word “repentance” has less to do with feeling guilty than with “changing course”? The Hebrew and Aramaic languages spoken by Jesus and his contemporaries were steeped in a rich tradition dating back millennia. That tradition is filled with concepts that can radically…
Covenant Class | Jim Womack | December 15, 2024
Pieter Bruegel: Searching for the Details Led by Jim Womack Pieter Bruegel: Searching for the Details. Reading from Psalm 8 and addressing the question: v 4 “what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them.” No prior knowledge is needed. There will be no test but, hopefully, we will do a lot of looking and have conversations about these works of art. Pieter Bruegel, born in Antwerp, and painted at the same time as Michelangelo and Raphael, provides a…
Covenant Class | Lucas Waweru Mburu | December 1 & 8, 2024
Against the Tide: With Luke Through Advent Led by Lucas Waweru Mburu Christianity, Mass Incarceration, and Transformative Justice Lucas, a native of Kenya, is a husband to Eunice and father to Grace and Timothy. He is an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, serving with the Presbyterian Church of East Africa in Kenya. Lucas earned his Master of Arts (Theological Studies) degree from Columbia Theological Seminary in the spring of 2021. He is pursuing a Ph.D. program in…
Covenant Class | Jeannie Hunter | November 24, 2024
Jeannie Hunter, Regional Director of the Society of St. Andrew, will talk about biblical and contemporary gleaning; a process that cared for the widow, orphan, and alien 5000 years ago and today. St. Andrew is a nonprofit working to feed people while reducing food waste. Society of St. Andrew’s Tennessee Regional Office was established in 2010 to coordinate the state’s gleaning network. Since that time, SoSA has rescued and shared an average of one million pounds of food per year. SoSA’s Tennessee Gleaning Network…
Covenant Class | Andy Watts | November 17, 2024
Andy Watts, Professor of Religion, School of Theology and Christian Ministry, Belmont University Christianity, Mass Incarceration, and Transformative Justice The last 50 years of institutional punishment, described as Mass Incarceration, have shown that punishment as retribution through incapacitation neither deters crime, rehabilitates offenders, nor satisfies the offended as declared. Christian practices of restorative and transformative justice offer alternative models of punishment that place persons in communities, communities in systems, and systems in accountability to human flourishing. We will examine in one…
Covenant Class | Anjlo Ajmals | November 11, 2024
Anjlo Ajmals We welcome Anjlo Ajmals, a ThM student at Vanderbilt Divinity School, to teach the Covenant Class in Fellowship Hall this morning. Anjlo is under the care of First Presbyterian Church, Santa Monica, CA, has already completed his Master of Divinity at Claremont School of Theology, and is in the process of moving toward ordination in the PC(U.S.A.). A refugee from Pakistan, Anjlo fled to Paris in 2010 after suffering persecution in his home country and founded the Punjabi…
Covenant Class | Carole Bucy | 11.03.24
Presbyterians and the Founding of the United States; The Declaration of Independence, the Constitutional Convention.As you know, James Madison, who is considered to be theFather of the U.S. Constitution, was a graduate of Princetonwhere he studied with John Witherspoon. Reverend Carol Bucy
Covenant Class | Carole Bucy | 10.27.24
For All the Saints: Deceased Westminster members whogreatly influenced our congregation. Reverend Carol Bucy
Covenant Class | Carole Bucy | 10.20.24
God’s Time and Man’s Time (Bibilcaluses of “light” and “dark” as well as Daylight Savings Time) Reverend Carol Bucy
Covenant Class | Stacy Rector | 10.13.24
Is Tennessee’s Death Penalty System BrokenBeyond Repair? Reverend Stacy Rector Reverend Stacy Rector is a native of Dyersburg, Tennessee, a graduate of Rhodes College and Columbia Theological Seminary, and an ordained Presbyterian minister. She served as Associate Pastor of Second Presbyterian Church in Nashville for nine years. In 2006, Reverend Rector became Executive Director of Tennesseans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (TADP), an organization that works to honor life by abolishing the death penalty, preventing violence, and supporting those who…
Covenant Class | Brennan Breed | 09.15.24
Sabbath: Blessing, not CurseLed by Brennan Breed , Associate Professor of Old Testament Columbia Theological Seminary It might sound impossible today, or even worse: just one more thing that makes us feel guilty for not being able to do it. Why would God tell us to take a break? Brennan Breed, Associate Professor of Old Testament Columbia Theological Seminary will help us to read the biblical witness about Sabbath rest, and see it as a blessing rather than a curse.
Covenant Class | Yolanda Pierce, PhD | 09.08.24
Join us for a conversation with YOLANDA PIERCE, PhD. She is a scholar, writer, womanist theologian, and accomplished administrator in higher education. Shewas appointed the Founding Director of the Center for African American Religious Life at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC). And she currently serves as Professor and Dean of the Vanderbilt Divinity School.
Covenant Class | Prophets, Kings, and Conquerors | 08.11.24
Prophets, Kings, and ConquerorsLed by Will Wellman Our study of the Old Testament Lectionary continues as we dig into I & II Kings this Sunday! I & II Kings immediately follows the stories we read about earlier this summer in I & II Samuel. In this class, we’ll discuss how Israel became a divided nation, the burgeoning role of the prophets, the threat of conquering nations, and the continued centrality of God’s covenant with Israel.
Covenant Class | Faith & Climate Change | 08.04.24
“Faith and Climate Change: Our Ongoing Discussion” The Earth Care Task Force will continue our discussion “Faith and Climate Change: Our Ongoing Discussion” in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, August 4, during the Sunday School Hour. Curtis Baysinger will summarize what we have discussed in our previous four sessions and examine what other faith-based groups say concerning climate change. Want to Know What You Can Do to Reduce Your Environmental Footprint? Members of the Earth Care Task Force have been approached…
Covenant Class | H.E.R.O. Program | 07.28.24
The Homeless Education Resource Office (HERO) provides necessary resources, supports and referrals to help homeless children and youth succeed in school and have a positive school experience. Led by Shelia Decker
Covenant Class | Hearing, Trusting, And Obeying The One Word Of God | 07.14.24
Covenant Class • Fellowship Hall 7/14: Rev. Dr. Charles Wesley, Director of Major Gifts Columbia Theological Seminary 7/21: Dr. Martha Moore-Keish, J.B. Green Professor of Theology at Columbia Theological Seminary Hearing, Trusting, and Obeying the One Word of God: Learningfrom the Barmen Declaration Today “The Theological Declaration of Barmen was unanimously adopted by the First Confessional Synod of the German Evangelical Church, held in Barmen, May 29-31, 1934, in order to withstand the errors of the “German Christians” and the Reich Church…
Covenant Class | Overview Of General Assembly | 07.07.24
Covenant Class • Fellowship Hall Led by Rev. Terry Newland, Bridge Executive PresbyterOverview of General Assembly The General Assembly consists of commissioners electedby presbyteries. Half of the commissioners will be ruling elders, half will be teaching elders. The General Assembly has several specific responsibilities outlined in Chapter 3 of the Book of Order. The assembly seeks to protect our church from errors in faith and practice, is responsible for assuring that the expression of our theology remains true to the…
Covenant Class | Organized Religion in National Parks | Owen Simcoe
Covenant Class • Fellowship Hall Led by Owen SimcoeOrganized Religion in National Parks a look at the history and controversy of religious symbols and practices on America’s most revered public lands. Owen Simcoe has been a National Park Service ranger for fifteen years. He and his wife Kathleen have been members since 2015. They have two children, Miller and Ellen. June 30, 2024
Covenant Class | Led by Will Wellman
Covenant Class • Fellowship Hall Led by Will WellmanThe Rise and Reign of David: I & II Samuel in Three ActsThis summer the Old Testament lectionary will include readings from the books of I & II Samuel. This class will offer an introduction to these books and cover the beginnings of the kingdom of Israel alongside the stories of the prophet Samuel, King Saul, and King David. We’ll walk through the books in three acts roughly corresponding to the rise,…
Covenant Class | Led by Guy D. Griffith
Covenant Class • Fellowship Hall Led by Rev. Dr. Guy D. Griffith
Covenant Class | The Global Work of Christ: Surprising New Mission Opportunities
Covenant Class • Fellowship HallThe Global Work of Christ: Surprising New Mission Opportunities Led by Mark Mueller In his wildest dreams, Mark would have never have imagined The Outreach Foundation would be invited to work in central Asia, the Arab Peninsula and China. God has recently opened a door, and we would invite you to join us in this new work. During Sunday school hour, Mark will update you on areas where you have expressed an interest in the past. In addition, he…
Covenant Class | Living Waters Team | Faith in an Exhausted World
Covenant Class • Fellowship HallFaith in an Exhausted World with Dr. Stuckey In celebration of Earth Day weekend, the Earth Care Task Force is excited that Nate Stuckey, Director of the Farminary Project at Princeton Theological Seminary, will lead Covenant Class. A good friend of Will Wellman’s, Dr. Stuckey is a farmer and has a Ph.D. in Christian Education and considers his work for Princeton’s Farminary as integral to his call to his teaching ministry. Come to participate in “Faith…
Covenant Class | Living Waters Team
Covenant Class • Fellowship HallLiving Waters Team Five members of Westminster’s Living Waters team journeyed over 9,972+ miles in nine days, visiting four water installation sites in Peru –communities with whom Westminster has lasting relationships–and three additional communities in need of potable water. Drinkable water is precious in Peru, both in the desert coastline region and in the jungle. Our Peruvian sisters and brothers experience the Word of God present in the pure water provided by Living Waters purification systems.…
Covenant Class | What We Can Learn From The Post-Easter Church
Covenant Class • Fellowship HallCovenant Class | What We Can Learn From The Post-Easter Church Led by Rev. Dr. Guy D. Griffith
Covenant Class | The Pursuit Of Paradise: Arabs and Isrealis, Holy Lands, and Homelands
Covenant Class • Fellowship HallFour-Part Series: The Pursuit of Paradise: Arabs and Israelis, Holy Lands and Homelands In this four-part series, Dr. Echerd will teach us about the creation of the modern state of Israel, the origins of the Palestinian refugeeproblem, and the role of the Holy Places in this whole story. Dr. Art Echerd comes to us from Harpeth Hall School, where he has taught European and World History for over thirty years. Did you miss the first class?…
Covenant Class | Centering and Celebrating Women and Our Stories
Covenant Class | Overcoming Racism for a Multiracial Democracy Centering and Celebrating Women and Our Stories with Claire K. McKeever-Burgett. Join author Claire McKeever-Burgett, M.Div, for an interactive and embodied conversation on storytelling, writing as spiritual practice, and the importance of centering and celebrating women. In this Sunday morning gathering, Claire will share (a little) about her book, Blessed Are the Women, and invite you to consider your own story as it intersects with others. Through deep breathing, reflective practice,…
Covenant Class | Overcoming Racism for a Multiracial Democracy
Covenant Class | Overcoming Racism for a Multiracial Democracy Session 1: The Legacy of American RacismOngoing battles over the teaching of American history are an attempt to shape the narrative of who we are (or who we’d like to think we are) as a people. But Americans must be honest about the legacy of racism and white supremacy if we are to create the conditions for a lasting, multiracial democracy.Led by Dr. Peter Jauhiainen Dr. Peter Jauhiainen is a professor…
Covenant Class | Equal Chance For Education
Covenant Class | Equal Chance For Education Our series, God-Sized Dreams continues. Join Raquel Oluyemo, Executive Director of Equal Chance for Education and Vanessa Delgado, a graduate of ECE and current Program Director, as they explain what ECE is, where it isgoing, and how Westminster is involved.
Covenant Class | Westminster Loves | Rudy Kalis
Covenant Class | Westminster Loves | Rudy Kalis Join us for a new series on “Westminster Loves” as a way of taking up and highlighting one of the important directives coming out of the Visioning work. Over the month, we will hear from members who demonstrate this value starting with Rudy Kalis.
Covenant Class | Prepare The Way Of The Lord!
Covenant Class Prepare the Way of the Lord! Advent Visions: Seeking the holy in these unholy days. Led by Donovan Drake
Covenant Class | These Walls Speak
“These Walls Speak: Memorable Members of Westminster” Led by Carole Bucy Almost anywhere you walk in Westminster, you see names. Names of the charter members and others who followed them. Few people today recognize these people, yet their love for this church and their commitment to its ministries still resonate with us today. November 5, 2023 November 12, 2023
Covenant Class | Learning With The Letters Of Paul
Learning With The Letters Of Paul Led by Jennifer QuigleyAssistant Professor of New TestamentDivinity School | Vanderbilt University In this two-week series, we will explore the letters (co)written by Paul, their earliest interpretations, and the historical context from which they emerge. We will learn more about the social, material, and economic setting of some of these ancient letters, and think about them alongside letter-writing practices from the ancient Mediterranean world and today. All are welcome, whether you have been reading…
Covenant Class | Nashville’s Housing Crisis
“Seek The Welfare Of The City” #2 – Nashville’s Housing Crisis Hear a panel of leading experts on the issues of homelessness and the housing crisis in Nashville. • Jeff Gibson, moderator. Partner at Bass, Berry & Sims. Member of Metro Homelessness Planning Council. Board member and past president of Room In The Inn. • April Calvin – Executive Director, Metro Office of Homeless Services. • Brian Haile – CEO, Neighborhood Health Tennessee, which offers medical, dental and behavioral healthcare regardless of…
Covenant Class | Grace and the Law in the Old Testament with Dr. Brennan W. Breed
Dr. Brennan W. Breed Grace and the Law in the Old Testament To many Christians, it seems like the Old Testament and New Testament describe different deities altogether: in the Old Testament, God seems angry, legalistic, judgmental, and vengeful, while the New Testament describes a loving, caring, and gracious God. But is this actually true? During our time together, we will explore the questions of God’s anger and judgment, the role of the Law in both the Old Testament and the…
Covenant Class | Deflecting Mental Health Out of the Criminal Justice System
Sherriff Hall Deflecting Mental Health Out of the Criminal Justice System
Discerning and Visioning Towards 2030: Hearing God’s Call Together
Discerning and Visioning Towards 2030: Hearing God’s Call Together Led by Donovan Drake
Covenant Class | A Closer Look at Campus Ministry
Rev. Claire BerryA Closer Look at Campus Ministry August 13, 2023 Rev. Claire Berry, Executive Director and Campus Minister of UKirk Nashville, will share an update on her ministry with college students at Vanderbilt and Belmont as a new school year begins. The class will also delve into what campus ministry really involves in 2023. What are the challenges and opportunities? What does the life of faith look an sound like for students, and how does Presbyterian campus ministry suppor faith’s…
Covenant Class | Earth Care Task Force
WPC Earth Care Task ForceConcerned about Climate Change? Join us as we discuss the topics about our place in the natural world (the anthropomorphic vs theocentric, etc, what both the Old and New Testament have to say about it, and discuss what perspective we might take in viewing New Testament writings, which many do not think addresses the issue of our place in the natural world. July 16, 2023 July 23, 2023 July 30, 2023 August 6, 2023
Covenant Class | Mike Hassell
Covenant Class | Led by Mike Hassell, author of Deep Tradeoffs. Polarization, uncivil bickering, alienated families and friends — these are among the most disturbing problems of our time. Many remedies focus on attitudes or processes of engagement, including openness, grace, curiosity, mirroring, etc. But there’s far more to consider in effectively engaging people who disagree, including powerful subconscious motives and value tradeoffs just beneath our normal awareness. During the July 9th Covenant Sunday School class in Fellowship Hall, Elder Mike Hassell discussed…
Melting Bullets Into Bells | Stephanie Mercedes
Melting Bullets Into Bells | Stephanie Mercedes | Covenant Class | 06.25.23 Click HERE to learn more about this artist, Stephanie Mercedes, and the melting of bullet casings and guns.
Covenant Class | Frances Hahn, Holocaust Survivor
Covenant Class | Frances Hahn, Holocaust Survivor Frances Cutler Hahn was born Fanny Lindenberg Kahane on March 16, 1938, in Paris, France. Her parents, Schlomo Zalman Kahane and Cyla Lindenberg, came to Paris in 1936 from Poland. When Fanny was three, her parents placed her in a children’s home prior to their own arrests. Cyla Kahane was deported on Convoy 11 from Drancy to Auschwitz in 1942, where she perished. After her father was warned that Fanny would soon be…
Covenant Class | Adam Buzard
Covenant Class | Richard Boyce State of Nashville Report Adam Buzard, Director of United4Pastors, will lead a discussion on Operation Andrew Group explaining Barna Research’s “State of Nashville” report. Operation Andrew Group brings churches together in three key initiatives: public education, pastor engagement, and young adult mentoring all to live out our mission to unite, partner and love. April 28, 2023
Covenant Class | Richard Boyce
Covenant Class | Richard Boyce Christian Ethics in Three Acts: Biblical Stories on the Command to Love Please join Richard Boyce as he pushes us beyond more sentimental notions of love toward the “covenant loyalty” that is the way of Jesus. Richard Boyce is a PC (U.S.A) pastor, Ph.D. in Old Testament and recently retired Dean of Union Theological Seminary at the Charlotte, NC campus. April 28, 2023
Covenant Class | Rev. Will Wellman
Covenant Class | Rev. Will Wellman Faith and Ecology in Conversation “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it!” Come learn about the Biblical and theological precedent for Creation care. Rev. Will Wellman is a writer, poet, and co-founder of The EcoTheo Review. April 23, 2023