Associate Director Of Youth

Associate Director Of Youth

Job Title: Associate Director of Youth

Full-time or part-time: Full-time

Brief description of the job: As a team, the youth ministry staff work to create space for community among youth and opportunities for spiritual growth and a deepened relationship with God through fellowship, service, and Bible study.  A main focus of the Associate Director of Youth is to ensure that relationships are being built between the youth leaders and all youth of the church.

Duties and responsibilities of the main body of the job:

  • To know the youth and their families by name, and to communicate effectively and regularly with them about programs, ministry opportunities, and as a form of pastoral care (via texts, email, social media)­ even with youth who do not participate regularly.
  • To participate and encourage youth in their extracurricular activities outside of the church.
  • To recruit and train youth ministry volunteers and chaperones.
  • To plan and implement youth minish-y programming including Sunday School, Youth Group, Small Groups, Confirmation (including annual retreat), Class Events, Mission Trips for Middle & High School Youth, Montreat Youth Conference, Ski Trip, Kick-off Events, Church Basketball, and local mission partnerships
  • To serve as staff support for Youth & Families Committee
  • To equip youth to be leaders in the youth ministry and to encourage the work of the Youth Council as an extension of the Youth & Families Committee
  • To recruit and encourage leadership and participation in worship (Senior/Confirmation Sunday Liturgy and Preaching, Beadle/Acolyte, Lay Liturgist, and Summer Trip Reports)
  • Establishes communication strategy and assures regular communication to Youth and their parents using various communication and social media tools such as weekly Koinonia emails, texts, e-blasts, etc. so that youth, parents, and WPC members/friends are informed and engaged with the Youth Ministry.
  • Writes and publishes recurring youth newsletter.

Position reports to: Executive Director of Family Ministries

If this is a supervisory position, name the other positions supervised: n/a

Credentials and experience necessary to perform the job: college degree, experience working with youth, past involvement in church and/or greater church functions, basic understanding of PC(USA) theology.