Laudate Youth Choir: 7th – 12th grades
Download the Laudate Schedule (dates through Christmas 2024)

About the Laudate Youth Choir
For all in 7th-12th grades. Laudate serves as the choir for 8:30 am worship every week during the academic year. Every two years, Laudate embarks on a tour with the most recent trip to Spain in 2022. This choir rehearses 5:00-6:00 pm on Sundays.
The Senior High Laudate Choir embarks on a biannual choir tour, singing and performing hands-on mission work. Past tours have included singing for morning worship at the Washington National Cathedral, and for churches in Boston, Chicago, New York City, and Toronto. In June 2004, the Senior Laudate Choir toured Scotland with the Westminster Choir for a Presbyterian Heritage Choral Tour, and sang concerts in St. Giles’ Cathedral and the Greyfriars’ Kirk-Edinburgh, the Abbey at Iona, Newlands South Church-Glasgow, and the Newton on Ayr Church in Ayr. The 2006 tour was to Seattle, Port Townsend, and the San Juan Islands, and in 2008, the choir again joined the Westminster Choir for a “Reformation Tour” to Prague and the Saxony region of Germany. The 2010 Laudate Choir tour was a mission work trip to Guatemala where the choir and members of the youth fellowship painted the school in Santiago and made repairs to homes still affected by the tragic mudslides and flooding caused by Hurricane Stan there in 2007. The choir also sang for worship at La Merced–Antigua, Panajachel, and Iglesia Parraquial Santiago Apostol.
The Laudate Choir experience continues to build on the development of every member’s music reading skills, and aural and singing skills through a wide variety of musical styles.