Mission Of The Music Department
Music is a great and glorious gift from God! We believe that if there is to be great music in the world, there is no place more appropriate than in the church. The Music Ministry of Westminster Presbyterian Church is committed to musical excellence as our appropriate offering to God in worship. We believe the purpose of music in worship is to lead and assist the congregation in celebrating the liturgy for the day, proclaiming the Gospel, and experiencing the Word. Church Music is to exalt God rather than human feelings. Our worship music is scripturally grounded and reflects the theme and particular Sunday or season of the church year. Church music in the Reformed tradition must involve the people and creatively seek new means to effectively express the eternal revelations and mystery of God. Through music one’s faith and commitment to the church may grow. Music can be one of the best teachers of Christian education and theology for children, youth and adults. Therefore, Westminster church and its leaders must continue to support, nurture and develop our choirs for all ages and insist on music with artistic integrity that is theologically sound and liturgically appropriate.
Dr. John W. Semingson, Director of Music Ministries, Dale Nickell, Associate Director of Music & Organist
The Music Committee is a sub-committee of the Worship Council.
Hank Hildebrand – Committee Chair
John Semingson – Director of Music Ministries

Westminster Choir Recordings
All People That on
Earth Do Dwell
Tune: Old Hundredth by L. Bourgeois, 1561; Words: W. Kethe, 1560
Come Ye, Sinners,
Poor and Needy
Tune: RESTORATION from “Southern Harmony”, 1835
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Tune: HYFRYDOL by R.H. Prichard, 1831; Words: C. Westly, 1747
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Tune: EIN’ FESTE BURG by M. Luther, 1529; Words: M. Luther, 1529; trans. F.H. Hedge, 1852