Educational Opportunities from the WPC Earth Care Task Force
Food Waste
Did you know that up to 40% of food grown in the U.S. is wasted and that 50% of that is from our homes after purchase? Many people are not well informed about food labels and how that contributes to food wastage. To learn the straight skinny, view this webinar on Labels, Food waste, and Climate change Food Waste
Questions? Email Curtis Baysinger at cbaysinger2@gmail.com.
Books To Read
Our faith calls us to be caretakers of our planet, but what that means, what scripture says, and how we might put our faith into action is not often clear. The Earth Care Taks Force has two books to suggest, aiding those who wish to learn more.
The first is Inhabiting Eden by Dr. Patricia Tull, Professor Emeritus at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary. Dr. Tull links scripture supporting our response to modern ecological challenges and is a wonderful guide to personal reflection on environmental concerns.
The second is Saving Us by Katharine Hayhoe, Professor of Climate Science at Texas Tech University and a devout Christian. Although urging us to talk to others about our changing climate is Dr. Hayhoe’s primary suggestion on how we individually can help, she suggests many actions that we can do with others both within and outside faith communities.
The Earth Care Task Force meets the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. by Zoom. Contact Curtis Baysinger at
cbaysinger2@gmail.comif you want to jump on board with us.
Recent Seminars on Earth Care
Did you know that our denomination’s Presbyterians for Earth Care has many recent past seminars on how we can help sustain our planet? Or that Interfaith Power and Light has resources on how to help us reduce greenhouse gases?
Presbyterians for Earth Care has regular seminars on how we can help create a more livable world. One that we recommend is how older adults can help. A link to this 2023, 45-minute seminar, is HERE .
Interfaith Power and Light has a greenhouse gas calculator we can use to calculate your emissions and then a suggestion list of steps to reduce them. The calculator is located HERE.
Steps you can take to reduce your emissions is located Here.
The Earth Care Task Force wishes everyone a wonderful Advent season and Merry Christmas.