Help with Food Insecurity | Lawson High School

Help with Food Insecurity | Lawson High School

Thank you for support…our sign-ups are full!
We will let you know if spots become available.


There are 1500 students at this school with some homeless families who oftentimes need help with food; especially in the winter when it is harder to find work. Our church restocks the outdoor refrigerator with items for families weekly. When children receive enough food, their chances of thriving in school are much greater. 

The food items should be delivered on Monday or Tuesday mornings between 8:00am and 12N. Each week the following is needed:

6 – 1lb. packages of ground beef or turkey

6 dozen eggs

6 loaves of sliced bread

4 – 16oz jars of spaghetti sauce

4 – 1lb. boxes of spaghetti

4 – half gallons of milk

Each week, there is room for two volunteers to share the costs and delivery of the items listed above. If you would like to purchase all the items, please put your name next to both slots for the week you choose. If you sign up for one slot, you will be responsible for half of everything listed.

Lawson High School is located at 8001 Hwy S, Nashville 37221. Once you sign up, Keith Maddin will email instructions for where to deliver your food donations.  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Keith.