Weekly e-Blast Options
Missions (Mon 03.24) | Happenings (Wed 03.26) | Sunday Info (Sun 03.30)
Life Together Series | Creating A Family Mission Statement
Life Together Series: Creating a Family Mission Statement April 2, 20246 – 7:30 pm If you would like to also include Wednesday Dinner before your Mission Statement offering, sign-up HERE! How are you cultivating a way of life for your family? Why does it matter anyway? Join us for a deeply rich and deeply practical workshop centered around family values and the gift of creating a vision/mission statement(s) for you and yours. WPC values the ways in which we might help center…
Rise Against Hunger Experience & Dinner
When: July 13, 20243 PM to 5 PM Where: Youth Cafe3900 West End Ave.Nashville, TN 37205 You are welcome to participate as your schedule allows. Register HERE to participate!
2025 Easter Lily Memorials & Honoraria
If you prefer not to use a credit card, please visit the church office, and we will collect your information. For more information, you can also call the church office at 615.292.5526. Lilies will grace our Sanctuary on Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025. If you would like to purchase a lily ($10) in memory or in honor of a friend or family member, please place your order by form below or email Kris Pardue at kpardue@nashvillewpc.org The last day to…
Wednesday Night Dinner Reservations | 04.02.25
Wednesday Dinner Sign-ups for April 2nd. If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Higgins. If you would like to join us for our Family Mission Statement Offering, click HERE! Menu04/02 – Coco’s Italian05/07 – Menu to be announced… Time: 5:30 pmLocation: Westminster Cafe (note the change of location) Costs this year will be: $10 per individual$40 family max Like everywhere, prices have gone up in the catering industry and we will likely spend an average of $15 per person…
Montreat Youth Conference 2025
July 20-26Montreat, NC Montreat Youth Conference affirms youth in their calling to be and to shape the church of Jesus Christ. The desire of MYC is to help youth come to know and believe that they are the beloved of God and to be a place where authenticity, community, connection, and God’s truth thrive. Through engaging worship, lively music, and practices of gratitude and fun, MYC offers youth different opportunities to cultivate their spiritual faith journeys and practice sabbath. MYC…
All Church NaCoMe Weekend
All Church NaCoMe WeekendApril 5 & 6, 2025 Join us for a fun-filled weekend that includes a duck race, good food, dancing, a campfire, and s’mores. Jump in the creek, talk to new and old friends, and join us for worship on Sunday. NaCoMe Camp is a Presbyterian Camp just west of Nashville about an hour and a half. We go on Saturday and come back Sunday. Sign up for the day or spend the night. In the cabins, families…
Blood Drive | February 25, 2025
February 25, 2025Westminster Blood Drive9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.Goodpasture Hall You can help save lives by joining WPC for a blood drive on February 25th from 9:30 am to 3:30 p.m. Make a difference in our community and beyond and help ensure blood is on the shelves before it is needed for trauma victims, transplant recipients, and those being treated for cancer and sickle cell disease. To make an appointment, please click the button below. For more info, or to make…
TheoEd Nashville Sunday February 23rd at 4:30pm, at the Woolworth Theater Westminster is co-sponsoring an exciting new speaker series hosted by West End Methodist and the Candler Foundry at Emory University. This unique initiative seeks to bring in-depth theological learning to churches and communities outside of seminary degree programs through TED-like, theologically focused talks. TheoEd Nashville features a lineup of four dynamic speakers: Tickets and more information are available here: https://www.theoed.com/nashville Contact Will Wellman if you have questions, wwellman@nashvillewpc.org
Music Camp 2025
Music Camp schedule: April 27: Music Camp Audition Rehearsal from 4:00-4:50PMMay 4: Music Camp Audition Rehearsal from 4:00-4:50PMMay 11: Music Camp Audition Rehearsal from 4:00-4:50PMMay 18: Music Camp Audition Rehearsal from 4:00-4:50PM Music Camp: June 2-8 M-F – 8:30AM-12:30AMSaturday Dress Rehearsal – 9:30AM-11:30AMPerformance (Sunday) – 9:00AM warm up & 9:45AM Music Camp Sign-ups
Children’s Choir @ Westminster
Click to download the Children’s Spring Music Schedule! Feel free to contact Dale Nickell, the Children’s Choirs Coordinator, at dnickell@nashvillewpc.org
M.E. Moms
M.E. Moms Thursdays, February 6 – March 69:15 am – 10:45 am Room 89 (in the Westminster Cafe) Five Week Series Schedule February 6: On Motherhood with Ashley HigginsFebruary 13: Up Your Craft Game: PomPom Making with Leigh KalisFebruary 20: Self-Defense with Lincoln LakoffFebruary 27: Oil-Painting with Jillian Morse (Week One)March 6: Oil-Painting with Jillian Morse (Week Two) M.E. (Mary and Elizabeth) Moms is a space for moms with littles (not yet in grade school) who could just use a moment: a moment to breathe, a…
Teaching And Shepherding
Honoring Our Baptismal Vows – Teaching and Shepherding Next year We are in need of teachers and shepherds for the 2024 – 2025 school year. The commitment to be with our wonderful children is for one school year, August – May. We have teams for every class so there is room for adults to be flexible around travel and family. Material, training, and support are all provided. We would love to have you on one of our teams!! It is a…
Latest News
Missional E-Blasts (Mondays) Missional Update for 03.24.25 On Mondays, we will highlight all the mission work going on for that week and introduce registration forms and highlight past events. Weekly Happenings E-Blasts (Wednesdays) Happenings Update for 03.26.25 Our Wednesday email will cover all the classes, activities and opportunities for fellowship throughout the month. This is where you will learn of new book studies and sign up for dinners. Sunday Informational E-Blasts (Fridays) Sunday Info Update for 03.30.25 Friday will bring…
Find Your Mission
Recently in a committee meeting of Hands on Mission, we heard a call to engage in Lent, with a turning toward the light of our faith. We want to invite each of us at Westminster to connect: – with another person and jointly – enter into an activity together that serves others We invite you to choose one of our existing missions of this church, or another one you already know or identify a need you see and want to…
Joy In Learning
Joy In Learning January Newsletter 2025 We have found that being in community, working towards a common goal, makes life so much more meaningful for all ages. Currently offering in 2025: Classes and Activities: • Oil painting • Pottery • Cooking • Tai-Chi • Telling Your Story writing • Mah-jongg • Knitting and Crocheting • Note Care Ministry K-4th grade classes: for WPC members and friends who join with our Nations Ministry refugee friends at church. We also have middle…
Cafe Activities
Joy In Learning & Cafe January Newsletter 2025 Note-Caring Ministry – 1st and 3rd Tuesday morningsSongwriters Song Circle – weekly | 10-12 am Ongoing Classes & Activities Tai Chi – Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings; and Wednesday afternoonsCreative Journey Through Scripture Reflection in Watercolor – Wednesday mornings. All levels welcome.Mah-Jongg – Tuesday morningsKnit and Crochet – Thursday mornings