Interest Opportunities

Adult Basketball
6:30 pm • Wednesday
Join in on the fun with weekly basketball games in the WPC gym. Must be 21 years old. Fee required.
Contact: Michael Renwick,

Book Study Group
Monthly presentation and discussion on current and classic books. This group meets the fourth Tuesday, 9:30 am, September – May.
Contact: Carolyn Harris,

Centering Prayer
11:45 am • Monday
Weekly contemplative prayer gathering in the chapel by candlelight in the presence of God and one another.
Contact: Elizabeth Trabue,

Earth Care Task Force
As an Earth Care PC (U.S.A.) Congregation, this task force leads education and actions for environmental stewardship and care of the planet.
Contact: Curtis Baysinger,

Knitting & Crocheting
10:00 am • Thursday
We welcome all skill levels of knitters and crocheters! We work on service-related needs, individual projects and baptism caps.
Contact: Beth Drake,

HIking Group
Enjoy a morning, weekday hike in one of our popular Nashville parks.
Contact: Mary Prue Alley,

Jam Band Anyone?
Did you ever play an instrument or sing in a band when you were in high school or college? Or maybe you always wanted to? We have had several informal Sunday afternoon “jam sessions” with a small group at the church. We have all different experience levels, so don’t feel like you have to be a great player! We can always use more guitar players (you can never have too many!), bass players, keyboardists, drummers, and singers. If you played a horn in the past, we could probably come up with some arrangements for that.
Contact: Richard Lane,

Men’s Coffee
This group of men gather for fellowship in the Westminster Café the third Thursday, 10:00 am, September – May. Every coffee will have a discussion theme. Watch for info in the bulletin and on email.
Contact: Donovan Drake,

We now have two pickleball courts painted on our gym floor. We play on Mondays and Fridays, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
Please email Mary Prue Alley to register.
Contact: Mary Prue Alley,

The Welcome Team
This team staffs the information desk and greets and directs folks on Sunday mornings.
Contact: Ann Neely,

Westminster Ladies’ Bridge
Do you like to play bridge? We would love for you to join us! We play on the first Wednesday of every month in the Westminster Cafe from 9 – 9:30 am. All are invited to bring a sack lunch and we will enjoy a little fellowship and lunch afterwards.
Contact: Donna Summar,
If you find any of our offerings interesting, please fill out and submit our Interest Group Inquiry Form.