Congregational Care Brochure
Recommended Reading for Families Experiencing Aging, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and/or the need for Care-taking
Congregational Care’s 13 ministry teams and actively involved volunteers (over 200 volunteers in 2022!) comprise a vibrant yet perhaps “hidden from view” Westminster outreach. Many of the recipients of our care, are members unable to attend church services, activities or classes, due to circumstances beyond their control. The causes may be short lived or longer in duration: hospitalizations, illness, or PT and rehab lasting weeks post-surgery; the joy of welcoming a newborn, or a family or managing a growing family and work; others grieving the loss of a loved one; some caring for family members with memory loss or chronic illness. For many, the pandemic has resulted in loneliness and a sense invisibility or separation from community and from God.
Congregational Care addresses the many—often multiple—needs of our members, from birth through life’s passing, caring for the newest among us to those who have enhanced the life of the church throughout their own long lives. Along with love, support, dedicated prayer and presence, we deliver tangible gifts, symbols of the promise that our isolated members forever remain remembered and a vital member of the church family: meals and care packages, prayer blankets and flowers, Communion @Home kits, cards, books and palmsized crosses that carry us through grief, and medical equipment. Despite the pandemic and necessary precautions, Congregational Care continues to be creative and resilient in its care for this, the body of Christ that is Westminster Presbyterian Church.
We don’t all have the same gifts, yet God needs our combined gifts for the wellbeing of the community God intends. You and your schedule might limit you to a single delivery of Communion@Home kits to those unable to invite Elders inside to share the sacrament. You might have time to prepare one meal for a family welcoming a newborn, or maybe the freedom to prepare meals regularly for those in need. You may feel the call to the prayer team, or visiting folks in the hospital, or assembling a care package. Your gift may be making bouquets from the gorgeous arrangements in the Sanctuary, bouquets that will be delivered to our homebound. Your gift may be mentoring new parents, while others may find companionship with our folks in assisted living as a pastor’s aide to those mostly homebound. Each and every gift is needed—you are needed!
If you would like to know more about the many ways of care within WPC, or if you or someone you know needs help, assistance, a phone call, or a shower chair, please contact Heidi H-B (615-292- 5526,, or Sylvia Leins (
CARE TEAMS: Bereavement, Caring Connections, Communion@Home, Families with Young Children, Adjunct Meals Team for New Baby Families and Other Young Families in Times of Need, Hospital Visitation, Independent Living, The Lending Closet, Pastor’s Aides, Prayer Blankets & Shawls, Prayer Ministry, Special Care, Special Meals, and Worship Flower Delivery Ministry.
Providing Care and Support to Members and Friends of Westminster Presbyterian Church
The Congregational Care Ministry responds to Westminster’s mission of Living Out the Word by reaching out to provide personal care and support to members and friends. The Congregational Care Steering Committee seeks your assistance in identifying and communicating needs as we strive to serve each other.
Please contact members of the Steering Committee, or Rev. Heidi Hudnut-Beumler, regarding care needs or desires to serve in our care ministry. You may call the church office, 615-292-5526, for contact information.
Congregational Care Steering Committee:
Sylvia Leins, chair
Glen Davidson
Ward DeWitt III
Kim Crafton
Catie Lee
George Luscombe
Elizabeth Trabue
Frank Wade
Elaine Williams
Rhea Bucy
Emily Coleman
Heidi Hudnut-Beumler, staff
Click To Download Congregational Care Brochure

Bereavement Ministry
This team offers support at times of loss, at the first year anniversary, and at the first holidays. Grief resources, referrals, support group options, and end-of-life planning assistance also offered.
To request, please contact: Elaine Williams
Blanket & Prayer Shawl Ministry
We offer care for members and friends who are hospitalized, going through rehabilitation, or other spe-cial need through prayer blankets and prayer shawls – as needed and desired. To request, please contact: Heidi Hudnut-Beumler

Communion@Home Ministry
On the first Sunday of each month, pairs of elders take communion to at-home members of Westminster. Some elders also make phone calls to those receiving com-munion kits at home. Contact: Carolyn Harris,
Contact: Carolyn Harris
Hospital Visitation Ministry
This team makes visits each Wednesday and Friday to members of our congregation who are hospitalized.
Contact: Rosemary Verrall

Independent Living Ministry
This team visits members living in independent living situations in retirement centers. Each team member visits a different person each month.
Contact: Nancy Langdon
Pastor’s Aides Ministry
This group of men and women visits members who reside in assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or who are mostly homebound. Each team member visits the same assigned people monthly.
Contact: Jane McDow

Prayer Ministry
The Prayer Team prays for all prayer requests received from individuals, ministry staff, and pew prayer request cards. The team meets together monthly to pray as a group, and prays throughout the month as well for prayer needs received. All confidential requests are respected. Contact: Theresa Carl, Heidi Hudnut-Beumler
Caring Connections Ministry
This team cares for members undergoing rehabilitation following orthopedic surgeries and hospitalizations.
Contact: Sylvia Leins

Special Meals Ministry
This group takes meals to the homes of members during times of special need.
Contact: Cathey Fuqua
The Lending Closet
Westminster maintains a supply of durable medical equipment for use by those in need. Among the items available are walkers, wheelchairs, shower seats, toilet chairs, crutches.
Contact: Ward Dewitt III

Special Care Ministry
In longer-term situations of significant on-going need, special care teams are formed.
Staff Contact: Heidi Hudnut-Beumler
Families with Young Children Ministry
This care team supports our couples, families, and children, pregnancy through grade 6 and responds to needs for care in a variety of ways.
Contact: Catie Lee

Adjunct Meals Team for New Baby Families & Other Young Families in Times of Need
Contact: Leslie Grote
Worship Flower Delivery Team
This team delivers the sanctuary chancel flowers to members of the congregation who are homebound, or in other times of need. Contact:
Contact: Jane McDow

Additional Services and Resources:
- Care Notes
These informative brochures are available on the Mayfair Information Desk, and at the North Entrance. They cover a range of care needs and topics.
- Knitting and Crocheting Ministry: Joy in Learning
Knitters and crocheters of all skill levels meet in the church parlor every Thursday morning, 10 a.m.—12 p.m. to work on a variety of creations, including baptismal caps, baby blankets, and hats for those unhoused. Contact: Sheppy Vann –
- Baking Ministry: Joy in Learning
The baking minstry of Joy in Learning creates baked goods to share with our older members, and for other needs within and beyond the church. Contact: Ann Schulze –
- 12-Step Programs
AA, Saturdays, 11:30 a.m.– 1:30 p.m., Koinonia Youth Café, Westminster
Contact: Steve Roberts—
- Prayer Service of Wholeness
The Prayer Team of the Congregational Care Committee and the pastors are called to be in prayer for the needs of the congregation. Prayer request cards can be found in the pew racks, or please reach out to any staff member with needs for prayer.
- Advent Service of Hope and Healing
This service is held early in Advent on a Sunday evening to support members entering the Christmas season who are dealing with grief and loss, sadness or depression, or other needs for healing of body, mind, spirit or relationships. - Weddings, Funerals and Counseling Services
These services are provided by all pastors. Contact the church office at 615-292-5526.