Sunday Adult Education Offerings | 12.01.24

Sunday Adult Education Offerings | 12.01.24

All Sunday School Classes Begin at 9:45 a.m.

Fellowship Hall
Contact: Guy D. Griffith

Against the Tide: With Luke Through Advent
Led by Lucas Waweru Mburu

Lucas, a native of Kenya, is a husband to Eunice and
father to Grace and Timothy. He is an ordained minister of
the Gospel of Jesus Christ, serving with the Presbyterian
Church of East Africa in Kenya. Lucas earned his Master
of Arts (Theological Studies) degree from Columbia
Theological Seminary in the spring of 2021. He is pursuing a Ph.D. program in New Testament and Early Christianity at Vanderbilt University.

Goodpasture Hall
Contact: Will Wellman

This class is an introduction to the Bible. We’ll explore what exactly the Bible is including its structure and history as well as spend time learning about and interpreting various texts together. Attendees will become familiar with the Bible and its contents and develop the skills and understanding so they can comfortably read and interpret Scripture. This class is great for anyone new to the faith to seasoned Bible readers who would like a refresher—all are welcome! Led by Will Wellman.

Contact: Donna Schwaber

We will be exploring A.-J. Levine’s new book The Gospel of John.

Contact: Paul DeWitt

This class will study the weekly lectionary.

Goodpasture Hall
Kathleen Simcoe
Ken Larish 

The next class will begin in January 2025.

Overlook Room
Contact: Krissie Self Leigh Adams Kelly Smith

Fellowship Sunday