Covenant Class | Stacy Rector | 10.13.24

Covenant Class | Stacy Rector | 10.13.24

Is Tennessee’s Death Penalty System Broken
Beyond Repair?

Reverend Stacy Rector

Reverend Stacy Rector is a native of Dyersburg, Tennessee, a graduate of Rhodes College and Columbia Theological Seminary, and an ordained Presbyterian minister. She served as Associate Pastor of Second Presbyterian Church in Nashville for nine years. In 2006, Reverend Rector became Executive Director of Tennesseans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (TADP), an organization that works to honor life by abolishing the death penalty, preventing violence, and supporting those who experience harm. She also served as spiritual advisor to Steve Henley, an inmate on Tennessee’s death row, who was executed in 2009. Reverend Rector served as the vice-president of the national board of People of Faith Against the Death Penalty and on the boards of UKIRK Nashville (Presbyterian Campus Ministry) and Community Shares Tennessee. She is currently active in the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee and serves on the Presbytery’s Social Justice Committee.