When tragedy struck our neighbors in Waverly this past August, 20 people died, over 271 homes were destroyed, many others damaged and two schools were damaged beyond repair. 80% of rental homes were destroyed. Two days later, volunteers from Westminster arrived to clean out damaged belongings, and remove drywall and flooring. Westminster continues to send work crews investing over 1000 hours in victim assistance. In addition to the hands on assistance, you contributed $185,000 in financial assistance. These funds were used to purchase grocery gift cards for families, employ a work coordinator, and fund fuel and materials for debris removal. These acts of kindness and compassion are one of the most significant gifts we can offer. Your generous hearts used the gifts and talents you have been given in the building up of God’s kingdom on earth.
As we consider our pledges for 2022, let us remember the light of the Holy Spirit that is evident through our generosity and by choosing whom we will serve. The light of Christ is ever-present in our community. May we keep that light shining brightly as we never know who may found their way home because of that light.
Kelly Christie, Generosity Chair