Honoring Our Baptismal Vows – Teaching and Shepherding Next year
We are in need of teachers and shepherds for the 2024 – 2025 school year. The commitment to be with our wonderful children is for one school year, August – May.
We have teams for every class so there is room for adults to be flexible around travel and family.
Material, training, and support are all provided. We would love to have you on one of our teams!!
It is a great way to get to know and love our children, and get to know and love some other adults in our church.
We especially need some help with our 2-year-old class. We really like to have adults who are not currently parents of little ones, just to give them a break.
We also need a few more shepherds, this is a hand on the shoulder person, not a prepare material person, for elementary age children.
This is a job that really allows you to get to know the children.
Our children are wonderful theologians and have a great sense of humor!
Come make your week brighter by nurturing the faith of another. Your faith will be strengthened as well.
Please contact Sophie if you would like to find out more smaness@nashvillewpc.org