Vine Street Mini-bus Driver

Vine Street Mini-bus Driver

Westminster’s 15 passenger mini-bus is easy to drive, and it is an easy way to relate to our unhoused guests as they transition from the rigors of the RITI program into Vine Street. If you are not already on file with Westminster and authorized to drive the mini-bus, call or email Sherri Givens at the church to get the details about how to do this and arrange a time to pick up the bus keys during normal church office hours ( or 615-292-5526) 

Our guests will need to be picked up at RITI 705 Drexel St. 37203 downtown at 5:30 pm Thursday evening and dropped off at Vine Street by 6 pm for dinner and their overnight stay. Friday morning the men will need be picked up between 5:30-5:45 am and returned to RITI around 6 am. Please contact George Garrett  at geomgarrett@gmail.comor 615-210-3528 if you have questions.

Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!

Click HERE to sign-up!