JIL Newsletter for Fall 2024
Classes and Activities |
April, May, June, July Schedule
Tuesdays, April 1-22 – Intermediate/Advanced Oil Painting cont, 9-12, room 294 Tuesdays, April 1-29 – Spring Pottery Session, 10-2, rooms 284 and 293
Wednesdays, April 2-30 – Enneagram Class, 10-12, room 296
Wednesdays, April 2-23 – Intermediate/Adv Oil Painting cont, 9-12 room 294 Wednesdays, April 2-16 – Collage Class, cont, 10-12, room 295
Wednesdays, April 2- 30 – Pottery Wheel, 11-1, room 293
Thursdays, April 3-24 – Beginning Oil Painting cont, 9:30-11:30, room 294 Thursday and Friday, April 3, 4- Gleaning Bags, 9-10, Cafe
Thursdays, April 10-May 1 – Watercolor class, 9:30-11:30, room 295
Friday, April 11- Pottery Mug Celebration, 10:00, Cafe (not publicized)
Tuesdays, May 6- June 24, Painting Open Studio, 9-12, room 294 Leaders: Jackie Shrago and Elaine Williams
Friday, May 16 – Authors Roundtable with John Arnn and Ann Harris, 10-12
June and July
Tuesdays, June 3- July 22, Pottery Open Studio, 10-2, rooms 284 and 293 Leaders: Cass Fagan and Sally Gracey
Friday, June 27 – Songwriter Show, 6-9 pm.
Tuesdays, June 17-July 29, Acrylic Class, 1-3 pm, room 295 Leader: Emily Coleman
Continuing year-round
Tai Chi- M,W,F
Mah-jongg- Tuesdays, Cafe
Knitting and Crocheting, Thursdays, parlor
Songwriters, Thursdays, Cafe
Be a participant or volunteer! |
Learn more about these and other opportunities at westminsterjoy.org or email beth@westminsterjoy.org.