How to Human

How to Human

Friday, February 28 @ 6 pm

These feel like crazy times. We’re agitated, fighting, and wrestling with big issues. It can feel like we’re less connected than ever to one another and to God. It’s a perfect storm: debilitating anxiety, crashing relationships, and forgetting what it feels like to be human.

When it feels impossible to love our neighbor the way Christ commands, Carlos will help his audience shift from “me” to “we” to “everybody” in a three-part journey to be human, see fellow humans, and free those around us. 

Your community will walk away feeling inspired to help others, hope fiercely, and experience the thrill of being fully human. Carlos uses scripture to guide his audience toward a radical path of love– one that requires us to become builders rather than demolitionists. One that gets personal. One that moves toward others in faith rather than away in fear.

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Carlos uses his vast and varied personal life to captivate and engageaudiences in ways that few else can. He reminds our communities that whenwe are connect to God and good to ourselves, we can be even better forothers. Humans do not exist in a vaccum, so when we address every facet ofour lives, we can great a greater capacity for relationships, ministry, work,creativity, and patience. Carlos will encourage your community to become followers of Christ whoshow up for their neighbor, regardless of who they are and what they believe.

Learn more about Carlos Whittaker here!

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